My early life & Education:
Dr. Ahmed was born in Hyderabad Deccan – India in 1935. His ancestors comes from Bukhara (Click here to read more about my heritage). Hyderabad is famous for its Palaces and Historical Buildings.
(Please see the gallery for pictures from Hyderabad, India). He started kindergarden however, his mother being a trained teacher (prior to joining the college for studying Unani Medicine) taught him at home and that became a source of inspiration and interest for getting higher education.
Graduated from Osmania University
Completed his Medical degree from DOW Medical College, Karachi University (See gallery for DOW Medical College ).
Did his post-graduate studies in Glasgow University, Scotland. (See photos of Dr. Basheer at Galsgow University)
Dr. Ahmed married Dr.Shakila Khatoon from Hyderabad in December 1967 (See photo gallery).
Migrated to USA in 1968.
He started career as a Medical Director of Psychiatric Unit in St. Louis State Hospital and Director of Psychiatry at St. Louis County General Hospitals (Please, see the related articles and Newspaper coverage here).
His interest in academic psychiatry led him to New York in 1971, where he served as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and also the Executive Director of the Community Mental Health Center (1971-1976).
During that time, Dr. Ahmed visited several European countries, including Russia, to familiarize himself with the psychiatric practices in Europe.
He served as Member of the Board of Directors of National Association of Community Mental Health Centers. In 1975, he was the program chairman for the Annual function of the National Association of Mental Health Centers.
He became the Professor of Psychiatry at Wright State University, and also the Chief of Psychiatry at the local VA Hospital (1976-78).
He joined as a Professor of Psychiatry and Family Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center –Southwestern Medical School Dallas, Texas from 1978-1984. He also served as the Chief of Psychiatry at John Peter Smith Hospital, Fort Worth, Texas.
Dr. Ahmed obtained his fellowship from the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1977(FRCPsy). He is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology and he is a distinguished life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (See photo gallery).
Dr. Ahmed started prior practice in Fort Worth, Texas in 1984 and served as Director of Department of Psychiatry in various hospitals in Fort Worth. He retired from the practice in 2005.
Dr. Ahmed is a member of the Tarrant County Medical Society since 1979. He also served as the chairman of the Tarrant Chapter of the Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians and was the program chairman of the annual Texas Society Psychiatric Physicians meeting in Fort Worth Texas. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Project Access of the Tarrant County Medical Society.
Dr. Ahmed served as president of Islamic Medical Association in 1979. He was invited by Jimmy Carter at the White House along with 15 other Muslim leaders to discuss the Iranian hostage crises (See photo gallery of Dr.Basheer with President Carter).
He was involved in many professional and civic organizations:
Past-president of Islamic Association of Tarrant County
Past-President of Board of Regents of Islamic Medical Association and Current member of Board of regions.
Member of board of diresctor, International Institute of Islamic Medicine.
Member of board of directors, Multi-cultural Alliance.
He founded 4 organizations where he served as chairman for many years:
Hyderabad Cultural Society of North America (1992).
Muslim Community Center for Human Services (1995).
Institute of Medieval and Post- Medieval studies (2009) .
The Institute of Quranic Knowledge and Intra-Faith Religious Acceptance (2014).
He has been on theboard of all the above mentioned organizations and serving as the chairman Emeritus of Muslim Community Center for Human Services. (Go).
Dr. Ahmed has presented numerous papers nationally and internationally. He has published numerous articles in various professional journals and has edited three books (Go to Books & Articles page):
“Muslim Contribution to world Civilization” published by International Institute of Islamic Thought, Va.USA, 2005.
“Islamic Intellectual Heritage And Its Impact on the West” Published by Institute of Medieval and Post Medieval Studies -North Texas, 2008.
“Domestic Violence Cross Cultural Perspective” Published by Xilbris Corporation, 2009.
Dr. Ahmed recognition and awards (Go to Recognition & Awards page).
A chapter was written on Dr. Ahmed's work in the book "Inspired to serve" by Mark H Masse published by Indian University Press in 2004. (Read more here).
My religion Islam, my parents and my relatives especially Dr. Mannan and Professor Zeenat Sajida had a great influence during my early stages of life. I was inspired by Allama Iqbal, Jalaluddin Rumi and a great philosopher Ibn e Rushd.
Dr. Ahmed continues to be involved in multiple civic organizations but his committment and passion stayed with Muslim Community Center for Human Services, where he is still serving as Chairman Emeritus. He is involved with multiple inter-faith activities and have several speaking engagements. He continues to write on subjects related to Islam and Modernity. He enjoys traveling, photography.
He lives with his wife Shakila Ahmed M.D. a Radiologist. Their son Sameer practices law in McAllen, Texas and daughter Araj is an attorney in Washington D.C.
Please see the short video below on my life.